Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Sigh, grant writing...what else can I say?

I attended a focus group on grant writing for NSF this morning. Unfortunately, I was the only graduate student in attendance. But, I managed to find the women's table and it was all good. (I don't know why the attendees were arranged by gender. Seems a little strange.) I met a very nice woman who just began her first year teaching here and she offered to read my proposal. So I looked her up online and discovered that she is only one and a half years older than I am, and she even completed her postdoc before joining the Chemistry Department here. Ahhhhh!

Quick, somebody give me a Ph.D. right now before my pitiful ego fully realizes the situation!!

Ulp! Too late. At least I learned a few useful tips for grant writing and it energized me enough to begin working on describing my research experience. However, the experience fully reminded me that I am still a graduate student and therefore, I am not at the same level as faculty. I seem to forget that occasionally, especially since last week my fav prof wrote an email to me and addressed me as Dr. Last-Name.

He, he, he. He's got that right.


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