Sunday, October 01, 2006

Crazy day at church today

Crazy as in I realized that I can't hide things from God. Hah! That sounds obvious, but I guess I thought it wouldn't matter to God that I had stopped tithing. Apparently, my Pastor thought it strange that God wanted him to teach on tithing because our church is very generous and good with their tithing. But, since I usually give anonymous cash donations, I'm sure Pastor wouldn't have known that I had actually stopped tithing recently. I stopped because I was incredibly stressed out about my finances and my family's finances.

But, I got a double dose of my paycheck and financial aid last Friday and for some reason, I actually felt compelled to go clothes shopping. Don't get me wrong, I'm not the type of person to buy stuff whenever I get paid. Quite the contrary, I don't think I've bought anything for myself in about a year. And clothing is actually a "need," not a "want." I felt that perhaps God was encouraging me to go.

And then this morning, I felt compelled to bring my checkbook so that I could tithe. But, I resisted; I thought that I couldn't pay anything out of the account that wasn't dedicated towards bills because I wanted to give all the surplus to my sister.

But, God has promised to open the windows of heaven and pour out blessings on those who bring their tithes and offerings to the storehouse and I believe he wants to bless me if I will stay faithful to tithe even when times are tough.

Pastor prayed to break generational curses of poverty over the congregation, which definitely includes me. I'm just going to stand on that promise that I'm freed from the poverty that runs on both sides of my family as far back as I can remember.


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