Sunday, October 29, 2006

Totally Shot Down

Ouch! I put my research needs out there and I get shot down by a certain prof, heretofore titled "Really Mean Prof." As a researcher who's trying to gather data outside of the normal intro psych pool, I'm really dependent on the kindness of instructors to allow me to test their students. But, I'm even more dependent on instructors to provide extra credit so that students have an incentive to participate in my research. If I had grant money, I could just offer monetary incentives and tell the instructors not to worry about it. But, alas, no such luck. I'd have to be at some other university for such luck to be bestowed upon me, but I probably would have less freedom to conduct my own studies.

I asked politely, if a little presumptuously, that Really Mean Prof let me test her students (with a little nudging about extra credit). Really Mean Prof emailed me back with a curt response, informing me that she doesn't give extra credit because students go to all the effort of doing extra work that does not fulfill her learning objectives. Then she wished me luck with my research.

Ooooh! She did not even bother being kind about the rejection. It was almost as if she was insulted by my request. So I reworded my request to sound more conciliatory and suck-up-ish and sent the email off to two other profs.

Sigh! Really Mean Prof has no chance of being on my life-altering dissertation committee anymore. Take that, Really Mean Prof!!!


At 9:31 PM, Blogger The Little Student... said...

That'll show her!

Sometimes I think professors lose sight on what it means to be *cough* human *cough* I hope your other requests turn out to be more favorable.

At 7:55 PM, Blogger kiki said...

Thanks, tls. I did get a favorable response from one other instructor. I've worked with him in the past, so I knew he'd be fine with giving extra credit to his students.

At 9:06 PM, Blogger Psychobunny said...

If it makes you feel any better, her students probably aren't that fond of her either. And I bet they aren't as kind as you when it comes to what they call her when she's not around.

Good luck getting the participants you need!

At 11:04 PM, Blogger kiki said...

Yeah, I guess the title "Really Mean Prof" doesn't have that much oomph to it. He, he. But, thanks, I never thought about the perspective of her students. Perhaps I shall reconsider the prospect of becoming a student in her class next semester. Hmmm... (Actually, I already dropped her class from my radar.) But, all is turning out well!

At 3:29 PM, Blogger Lia said...

I wish you luck with that. Finding subjects for research is always tough.

Sometimes, free food is a good incentive. But then, you said you have no budget.

I hope you find some Really Nice Profs.

At 8:23 PM, Blogger kiki said...

Thanks lia, that's such a good idea. I'll unload my leftover Halloween candy on the subjects!


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