Friday, December 08, 2006

End of Semester Freakout Fest

For those of you new to the blog, I have a tradition of writing one post at the end of the semester entirely dedicated to the glorious phenomenon and illustrious competition known as Finals Week Freakout Fest. Feel free to read the posts from Fall 2005 and Spring 2006. Although Spring 2006 was not a serious competition.

Well, my freakout fest occurred in the last couple of weeks for that whole grant writing thing. Ever since Wednesday, the day after the grant was due, I've been in a blissful haze. No more end-of-semester freakout fest for me. In fact, my piddley assignments are going to be fun in comparison to that grant (which required an all-nighter on top of a re-write the next day, and I didn't even have coffee...pity me, pity me). In fact, I have a vague suspicion that I have been scarred by the grant-writing process. Hmm......

Therefore, I declare myself the winner of a new category, the End-of-Semester Freakout Fest, but I again lose the competition for Finals Week Freakout Fest, which is restricted to finals week, of course. Darn it! I have yet to win Finals Week Freakout Fest! In fact, my finals week will probably be the easiest week I've had in a number of weeks. However, I have declared my poor colleague the winner of Finals Week Freakout Fest by a landslide. Her finals week is so agonizing that I can't even bring myself to talk about it. I just hope that she'll make it through without cracking.

For all the rest of you out there muddling through finals week, good luck to ya.


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