Monday, December 05, 2005

It's time for Finals Week Freakout Fest!

It's that time of the year again, when we doctoral students celebrate our semi-annual tradition of Finals Week Freakout Fest! Complete with dizzying amounts of work to do, we scramble nervously up and down the grad office hallway, eyes glazed over, yet hyperaware of any sudden movement. Let the celebration begin! As the tension mounts, we compete with one another for the Crown of Procrastination as we guzzle highly caffeinated drinks in our effort to be the one who has the most last-minute work to do.

Unfortunately, I'm currently at third place in the runnings. I have a nine-page paper to do in the next 74 hours that I have yet to begin, plus a small final project. But, horribly, others have even more work to do. Our second place contender has two 5-page papers and another mini project, and a factor analysis to complete. Our first place contender has a power point presentation to create for tomorrow's presentation and he hasn't even analyzed the data yet because he is deluged with his frantic students who need him to help them create their websites. All bets are on him because he plans to shell out for the expensive coffee, and has to complete the rest of his papers after he's already flown out of town (how we love email)!!

Alas, this year I expect to lose the competition. But, there is always next semester.....


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