Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Sigh, lost my momentum

All last week I was mourning the end of the semester (yes, I'm a nerd). I promised myself that I would keep working even though the semester was over, and I didn't have a good reason to go into school. But, as soon as the weekend heralded the end of the semester, I lost all momentum. I had to craft a response to the grant officer that required more research and I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I have to take the lead in putting together the class that I'm co-teaching with New Prof, but I'm still procrastinating on that. I have an abstract to write for a conference submission and I haven't even checked to make sure I'm not missing the deadline. The only bright light is the fact that I HAVE to go into school tomorrow in order to run a sample immunoassay with Bio Prof. Yesss, I'm so looking forward to that (did I tell you I was a nerd?).

Plus, I've been sleeping in. Argh! How dare I sleep in!?!?! It throws off my sleep schedule and signifies that my body doesn't think it is important to get up to do school stuff. Argh!

I brought three large books home for reading over the break and I haven't even cleared my plate to allow myself the time to read them. Plus, Fav Prof gave me an 500-page biography about Alan Turning and I had better finish it before classes start again. He might have been saying that I should try reading for fun every once in awhile. Fun? What do you mean? Academic books are fun to read. I'm really looking forward to reading about structural equation modeling and behavioral endocrinology (yes, I'm such an extreme nerd that it's making you sick right about now).

Anyhoo, now that I've procrastinated a bit by blogging, perhaps I can force myself to reply to the grant officer. Ugh!

Udate: I finally sent off an email to the grant officer. I had to research current treatments for anorexia in order to answer her question intelligently. But, I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I'm pleased with my lengthy response. I had to change the title as well, and I prefer the new title.

One more update: I just remembered that I still have to finish programming the task in Superlab and test it out on the computer, which has been freezing. Hopefully, it can handle my newer, less intensive design. Hrmmm, as soon as I cross one thing off the list, another gets added to it.


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