Wednesday, April 12, 2006

I'm a little concerned...

I cannot even begin the fathom the magnitude of work I have left to do. Today I met with my research team to train them on the tasks we are going to administer to the (hapless) participants. One of the tasks is actually very difficult to administer. It is spatial span from the Wechsler Memory Scale. It actually requires a great deal of visual working memory to even administer. You must touch blocks in a predetermined order and then record whether the participant correclty touched the blocks in the same order. Then you have to administer it backwards (yeah, it's tough). Unforturnately, the task goes up to 9 blocks to touch which is the top end of the magical number 7 plus or minus 2 for short term memory capacity.

My concern is that the task won't correlate with the other task (which is the task we are trying to predict performance on). The reason it might not correlate is that we make mistakes in administering the task and cannot adequately measure the upper limit of people's spatial working memory because we don't have enough working memory ourselves. Years ago, the other graduate student failed to find a correlation whereas my group did. Now, I want to make sure that whatever caused the lack of findings in her research group does not occur in my new research group. I'm especially concerned about one person in my group not bothering to train enough to administer the task well. Not. Good.


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