Saturday, April 01, 2006

I have been tagged...

Feel free to complete and pass on/back....

A) Four jobs you have had in your life:

1. Project Coordinator for a research grant

2. Assistant Instructor to teach undergrads

3. Receptionist for psychology front desk

4. Library Aid

B) Four movies you would watch over and over:

1. Robin Hood: Men in Tights

2. National Treasure

3. A Christmas Story

4. umm...

C) Four places you have lived:

1. Colorado

2. Kansas

3. Arizona

4. Florida

D) Four TV shows you love to watch:

1. Malcolm in the Middle

2. Design on a Dime

3. Trading Spaces

4. anything else on HGTV

E) Four places you have been on vacation:

1. We pretend that every move we've made is a vacation

2. maybe snowboarding in Colorado?

3. how about that conference I went to in Hawaii?

4. conference in Boston, Toronto, and Baltimore? it's like vacationing, right?

F) Four websites I visit daily:

1. Words for Your Enjoyment


3. hotmail

4. school website/blackboard

G) Four of my favorite foods:

1. cinnamon raison bagels

2. lasagna

3. strawberries

4. shredded beef chimmichangas

H) Four places I would rather be right now:

1. Nowhere

2. Nowhere

3. Nowhere

4. Nowhere

I) 4 Things that make me REALLY HAPPY

1. being in grad school, ahhh!

2. fellowshipping with other believers

3. family and friends

4. did I mention grad school?


At 11:00 PM, Blogger kiki said...

I figured out what my fourth favorite movie is...The Burbs! I watched it (for the fourth time) last weekend with my little sister and her boyfriend. Man, that movie still makes me laugh!


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