Sunday, November 05, 2006

This is a good day.

Church was awesome today. Pastor talked about the importance of getting into the presence of God. I totally agreed with everything he said, which probably explains why church was so good (kidding, people!!). But, again, it was something I needed to hear, because even though I already agreed with it, I wasn't practicing it quite so much in real life. Which might explain why I haven't been expressing the joy of the Lord as much lately either. So I'm ready to get my butt in gear now...

Which reminds me...did you know that the deadline for the NSF graduate fellowship is tomorrow?!? Yeah, me neither!!! Okay, so maybe I might have known and maybe I'm just a procrastinator...

Amazingly enough, I actually had fun preparing my project statement yesterday (and you all know how important it is for me to think of this sort of thing as fun...). But, my living room absolutely exploded with these stacks of paper that are stapled together and chock full of words strung together into meaningful sentences. I haven't quite figured out what they are for. Perhaps I should read them.....hmmmm.....yeah, that might be it.

Anyhoo, I think I'm really interested in this subject. I'm writing this grant on diet restriction and how it affects working memory. In addition, I plan to assess cortisol and dopamine levels, both of which are altered in anorexia, and also have effects on cognitive functioning. What does all this have to do with Educational Psychology, you might ask? I dunno. But, yesterday I decided to throw in emotion and make it a structural equation modeling study. Yes, so now those reviewers had better be impressed and give me funding because my study is going to be totally cool.

Well, I had better get back to work. Those grant applications don't write themselves, you know.


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