Monday, November 12, 2007

In which kiki considers her predicament...

Two very excellent ways of affecting kiki's current progress in her Ph.D. program are the following:

(1) Present kiki with a boyfriend, and

(2) Cause kiki to teach while trying to write her dissertation proposal.

There are, of course, two possible directions that kiki can take given the two propositions above:

(1) Get a job and drop out, or

(2) Finish as quickly as kiki can so that she can enjoy more time spent with her boyfriend, and be relieved of her teaching duties.

Given kiki's previous tendencies to place school above all else and her massive ambition and drive to obtain a Ph.D. and make something of herself, it is rather surprising that she was seriously entertaining proposition (1) above. Kiki must have come to the following conclusions:

(1) her boyfriend is pretty amazing, and

(2) teaching really is that reprehensible to her.

These new developments in kiki's life have surprised her indeed. She is very much wishing school to be over soon and to obtain a diploma with at least two words on it..."doctorate"...and..."kiki." At the very least, kiki would wish that the semester was over and she had successfully written her dissertation proposal and historical research paper. Kiki is supposing that her recently acquired propensity to escape school duties by spending time with her amazing boyfriend has substantially hindered prospects of successfully completing the two aforementioned writing tasks. Therefore, kiki is just a little bit nervous and afraid of the upcoming weeks as they may, in fact, stun and debilitate her before she makes it to the end of the semester. Wish kiki luck as she desperately needs it.


At 10:32 PM, Blogger karen said...

I wish you luck, Kiki - and let me know if you can use help with anything - and I'm glad your b/f is so amazing, because you deserve no less!!
Just remember, "this too shall pass" =0)


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