Monday, November 16, 2009

Well now I don't know what to think...

I introduced social psychology today by showing movies, having students act out skits, and demonstrating an experiment with students, in addition to some minimal discussion. But, then I found a white index card propped up on the blackboard by an eraser. Written on it was the sentence, "I never really understood much of anything during the entire class." There was no signature; it was anonymous.

I typical student would ask me for help if they didn't understand the material. Since this was anonymous, I assume that it was meant to intimidate me. It noticed the note after my fourth period class. I don't know whether it came from any other classes before that, but the horrible teaching critique came from my fourth period class as well.

Now, I'm afraid this may be the same student who left the teaching critique and the student may be troubled. The note could be an indicator that this student is about to burst under the pressure, and I'm his or her scapegoat or potential target for harm.


At 5:20 AM, Blogger Brandi Wren said...

Hi - new to your blog. Found it on BlogHer, which I am just now posting my blog to. I'm a Ph.D. Candidate, in the field doing my research for my dissertation. We're in different fields, and different stages, but I had to drop a line to say I enjoyed your posts about teaching. I hated teaching at first, and had some of the same experiences as you when I started. I found that I had to do a good deal of experimentation with different techniques that I stole from other people, including past teachers and fellow grad students. I spent some time trying to recall my favorite professors/teachers, and made a list of things they did that made me enjoy their classes. I also try really hard to learn from other peoples' mistakes - what did they do that I hated as a student, so that I wouldn't repeat their mistakes! Now I really enjoy teaching (although I'm also prone to anxiety & shyness, so it can still be nerve-wracking). Thanks for the honesty in your blog! It's nice to know that I'm not alone in my struggle!

At 1:30 PM, Blogger CanAmGirl said...

I, too, am new to your blog, but appreciate your honesty about teaching! I was a residential university prof for quite a while and saw a number of antics myself ;) Don't let them unnerve you; they like dogs, they can smell fear :p

At 2:44 PM, Blogger kiki said...

Thank you both for your comments. :) It does feel good to know that others have been through the same thing with teaching. I'll keep plugging away and trying new techniques as you suggest. With a new crop of students, maybe things will be different.


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