Friday, January 13, 2006

What a long, strange week it's been...

Strange as in weird and uncomfortable social interactions. My first class was great, except for the fact that one of the other students was an exact replica of myself from 4 years ago. Now, I've changed an awful lot in the past four years and I'd even say I'm not the same person. I'm also going to say that I don't like the person I used to be. So I'm trying really hard not to let the fact that she represents a reprehensible past self influence my attitude towards her. But, it does. Ugh.

Another weird social fluke occurred when I attempted to confirm a meeting with my prayer partner. We hadn't seen each other for a month and when I called her, she was so cold dismissive that, suffice it to say, I thought she never wanted to meet with me again. Turns out she thought I was someone else who had already called her twice that day and made her frustrated, compounded with the horrible day she was having. We spent 3 hours talking the next day, and we both agreed that it was the worst phone call either of us had ever experienced.

On the subject of being rebuffed, I spoke with one of my professors and was having a pleasant conversation when he had to get to his class. He passed through the commons area and I spoke a short time with another professor before passing into the commons myself. Then I recognized another professor in the commons area and approached him, but he responded with much less warmth than I've ever seen him act before. It was so strange and I was so taken aback that I felt like something must have triggered his behavior. Perhaps it was a rivalry with the other prof I was talking to and I received the brunt of his dislike. I'm actually taking a class with this prof, so I hope this is just a fluke and he'll be back to normal this week (and none of it had to do with me, hopefully).

On another train of though, I had to figure out how to decline an invitation to see a particular movie that I really didn't want to see. Then the person I declined told me later that I would have liked that movie. I don't think she knows me well enough apparently.

Well, here's to a week of normal social interactions...


At 9:58 AM, Blogger Kimberly Brixey said...

So I am wondering what the movie is. Did you explain to her why you don't want to see the movie so she can get to know you better? I am glad that you were able to approach your prayer partner and work through that moment of offense. I never used to be open about how someone made me feel (if it was bad) but I have learned over the last several years to just be open and "transparent" with my feelings, going to the one who offended me, and letting them know how I felt. I have not seen it come without a blessing. Usually it was just a misinterpretation and the other person didn't even realize they hurt me, it gives them a chance to repreive themselves and I don't run around nurturing a root of bitterness in my heart.

Matthew 18: (NLT)
15"If another believer[a] sins against you, go privately and point out the fault. If the other person listens and confesses it, you have won that person back. 16But if you are unsuccessful, take one or two others with you and go back again, so that everything you say may be confirmed by two or three witnesses. 17If that person still refuses to listen, take your case to the church. If the church decides you are right, but the other person won't accept it, treat that person as a pagan or a corrupt tax collector."

I take my offenses straight up with that person (believer or not), then if they deny it or we can't work it out, seek an appropriate witness to talk to that person with me, then if it is still unsettled, go to the church for spiritual advise about how my spirit needs to deal with it and give the outcome to God. You can't change other people just let God grow you spiritually through it.

Also remember to go directly to people who inspire you and teach you and let them know. It's amazing how our great mentors and teachers never hear a good word back and it can be very encouraging for them to hear they are touching people's hearts. Well, it can be great for any of us right!

At 12:58 AM, Blogger kiki said...

Well, I explained to her husband why I didn't want to see the movie and he supposedly relayed it to her when she got home from work. The husband could relate to my explanation, but I don't think she could at all. It is wierd, but I seem to have spiritual reactions to movies and if others don't have the same spiritual reactions, it's nearly impossible to explain it to them, especially if they view movie-watching as purely entertainment. It's even worse when the movie has Christian symbolism. A lot of Christians will only go to see movies that are Christian-themed. So if I balk at watching that movie, they think I'm a heretic for not seeing it.

I've been thinking a lot about your comment concerning telling great teachers that they are great. I have a teacher that I really enjoy, but I feel weird about telling him what a great teacher he is. I think I'll wait and perhaps some day (when I'm not taking a clas from him) I'll tell him what a great teacher he is.


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