Friday, December 09, 2005

Yes! I made it through finals week!

You laugh, but finals week for graduates can get infinitely worse than for undergraduates. They just have to study for piddley multiple-choice tests; we have to write gigantic manifestos. (Well, okay, maybe not that bad, but still...) I finished my paper and emailed it at exactly 5:13pm to my prof. I'm sure that he doesn't mind. He didn't say aaannnything about a deadline. Then I sent off my other final project (which I had been leaving for last, because papers are worse) to my other prof at precisely 7:23. He didn't say anything about a deadline either. So considering its Friday of finals week, they've got plenty of time to grade those assignments by the time grades are due next Wednesday. Which reminds me, I'd better record grades for my students before they are due, too.

There is one thing I discovered about myself this week, no maybe two. Once a procrastinator, always a procrastinator. I thought I had remediated myself from this horrible disease, but nooo... And secondly, I can't pull all-nighters anymore. I'm too old. This is hard to take. I once pulled two all nighters in a row. But, now...I just can't do it. I have to sleep or I'll just faceplant on my laptop and snooze. I've wasted two years of my life by not pursuing higher education (you gasp at my warped reasoning) and now that I'm back, I'm too old to pull all nighters. I'm disturbed, I'm not as lack-of-sleep savvy as I used to be. Man, I don't know how I'm going to make it though the next 4 years.


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