Saturday, February 25, 2006

Things seem to be coming together nicely

I just heard that the house I bought in the town I used to live might be rented soon. I'm really very excited because this will be a definite release of some of my financial pressure. Although it certainly won't cover the whole mortgage, at least I won't have two sets of utilities to pay anymore. I just cannot begin to express how relieved I feel. Thank you, God.

I'm also starting to get research moving forward in school. I thought one project would be ready to start a couple weeks ago. But, everything took so much longer than I expected. Since I'm working with two other grad students on the project (we don't need faculty advisors!!) I needed to do everything in conjunction with others, no working on my own. I used to think it would drive me nuts to do it that way, but actually it seems to be a life-saver. It turns out that if I'm working with the right people, I actually do better work in a group of two or three than by myself. I'm also more motivated.

My other project with a different grad student (once again, no need for advisors, we can do our own projects!!) is starting to gel as well. Our project is considerably harder because we are trying to work with kids, not the easily available college population. But, my colleague and I think exactly alike, and we both have a very specific desire to equally contribute to the project. It's nice. For the other project, I'm kind of taking the lead because both of the other grad students have less experience than myself. But, that certainly doesn't mean they don't bring very important contributions to the project. They always catch something that I miss! So it's great to feel that sense that we are all working together for a common goal, and everyone can bring something to the project that other's can't.

I'm starting to feel that collaboration and dialog are the key to success. Shared discourse is the main way that I learn. So I really begin to appreciate the flow of ideas and the connection with others that has been fostering my learning far above what I expected or could accomplish alone. Once again, thank you God for bringing me to the place where the environment is just right for me.

I'm putting together a discussion group on the Holy Spirit, and I'm putting together the research colloquium at school that will be centered on discussion of educationally relevant topics. Discussion is really truly the way to go. I wish I had discovered this sooner. But, I'm so excited that now I know that I learn best through discussion.

Long live the three D's: Discussion, Dialog, Discourse!


At 12:53 PM, Blogger Kimberly Brixey said...

I really want to hear about how the Holy Spirit discussion group goes. Is this a home group?
God is really working on me to do that group thing... I am such a do it yourselfer that I just don't naturally think about involving others as a team. Thanks for sharing that and how it can be advantageous. It is also a skill and somewhat of an art to be acquired but I do think we are called for that. Oh but how?? With Your Strength, Lord, not mine and with much of your grace!

At 12:17 AM, Blogger kiki said...

Yes, the Holy Spirit discussion group is a home group. It's made up of young people in their 20s (just a couple). I'll let you know how it goes.

No problem, I'm just truly amazed at how God has changed my thinking in this area of individualized vs group work. I'm really excited about the prospects of group collaboration now and what a positive impact it has on my learning.


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