Wednesday, May 10, 2006

I am victorious!

I made it through the end of the semester and wrote the last paper (stayed up until 4am writing it though). Even though there were no findings to speak of, I still managed to ramble on for a few pages in the discussion and make it sound like something positive had come out of it (it deserves some qualitative analysis when I have more time). I contacted the teacher and she was willing to give the post measure if I receive it by next Tuesday. Here's hoping...

Ohhh, it feels so amazingly nice to be free of paper-writing, but I actually had a great deal of fun writing the discussions. Hmm, perhaps my intense dislike of writing is starting to fade. No doubt this blog is helping me get past that, but journaling is a whole different matter from academic writing. Perhaps it generalizes to all types of writing.

Anyways, all is well with the world, and I'm away with my family until next Tuesday when summer school starts back up.


At 8:32 AM, Blogger Kimberly Brixey said...

Congratulations, Kiki. Enjoy your repreive. I am enjoying a short one too. Things got really hectic at work and I had no time to write. I just finished an exam at work that I was dreading for weeks. So what a great lift! Now, I'll have time to get back to my book and the screenplay I am starting (of course it's just a distraction to keep me from finishing my book!)

At 3:03 PM, Blogger kiki said...

Congratulations to you, too! And good luck with your book and screenplay. It is so good to get back to writing; it seems so therapeutic and productive.


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