Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Research is the pits

Once again, my research has suffered major mishaps in the first day and I am the one to take the heat for it. Oh, it is so difficult and I have so little experience and understanding; I just don't know what to expect and I can't seem to put myself in other's shoes in order to predict potential problems.


I talked with my pastor last Sunday about my research and he kept building me up by telling me how exciting and amazing this research is that I'm doing. But, when I get back to school, it doesn't feel so special, because everyone here is doing some form of research and it's just as good, if not better, than what I'm doing. So I don't feel so amazing, in fact, every time I've started some research this semester, I've been shot down for it.

Everything is a lot harder in real life than you ever expect it to be. I wish I could take a break from it all, but I still have to make it through next Tuesday.


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