Tuesday, September 12, 2006

In an elevator with Scary Professor (okay, maybe she's not that scary...)

Seems I'm getting the chance to redeem myself of my prideful idiocy of the past. I spent five years here laboring away at a (nearly combined) undergrad and master's program. Then I left for two years and came back a changed person. The most changed aspect of myself being the reduction of my pride and relatively massive ego. I must defend myself, of course, because in my field, having a "well-developed" ego is imperative, and in some cases, necessary to survival. In fact, criticism of research is thrown around so easily that one must be pretty self-assured to develop and test one's own theories. I'm a theory person as well. In fact, I took a silly IQ test on Tickle.com some time ago and it also analyzed the pattern of responses to come up with my thinking style. According to the online test, I'm a "revolutionary philosopher." Of course, the validity is highly questionable, but since the results are so amusing and "dead-on," I'll overlook such a "minor" issue. Anyhoo, now that I've lead you to question my so-called ego-reduction, I'll move on to the purpose of the post.

I am going to eat my words and I just might take a class with Scary Professor (search archives for previous reference, I'm too lazy to link to it). Many years ago, Scary Professor and I had a "misunderstanding" and I have since then vowed never to take a class with said professor. Circumstances changed, however, and I found myself faced with the prospect of taking a necessary class with this prof.

Interestingly, I ran into this prof in the elevator and we chatted nicely. She seems nicer than I remember. Coincidentally, the topic turned to the class she might teach: structural equation modeling. (Cue reverent music.) After chatting with her, I just might change my perceptions and take the class. It's about time I got over myself. Athough it helps that she doesn't seem to remember me and thinks I'm a new master's student. Sweeet! So I feel like perhaps I'm getting a chance to make up for some of the egotistical mistakes I made in the past. Tis a good thing.


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