Monday, June 11, 2007

Good Advice

Heh, heh...I got some good advice today from one of my favorite guy friends regarding the previous post. He said that I shouldn't mess things up and that all I need is better time management.

I think that's mighty fine advice if you ask me. I just need to find a balance between school and relationships. Time management could be the key.... :)



At 4:51 PM, Blogger Jael said...

Haha, I hate scary movies. Oh relationships... Yea I don't like to "put ripples in the water" and will most the time just avoid confrontation, doesn't end up working to well as I noticed in my last long term, only long term, relationship. Now in my new relationship I'm still just barely getting my feet wet and not sure if I'm allowing closeness at all because of what you just said, with closeness comes disagreements. I think I've had enough disagreements for a bit. But what are you going to do, that's like saying I've had enough of life for a bit, but I don't think it would work very well to die for a short period of time and come back... wait, can they do that? More than three minutes I mean. Ah well, anyway, yea I think your friends advice is good. Time management is the cure to so many ills. Good luck with that. We will have to get into details when we go out this week. Cheers!

At 5:15 PM, Blogger karen said...

First off, thanks for the procrastination opportunity! I've still got work to do, but, wait! Look! Kiki's got a bunch of new posts I need to read up on! Love you ;0)

At any rate, as Jael put it, "Oh relationships...". I am such a "run for the hills" type by nature, so I can completely understand where you are coming from. I don't like ripples, I don't like confrontation, "long-term" potential and getting close scare me anyway, and (be warned, this is potentially going to sound shockingly horrible and selfish), I hate that voice in the back of my head that is always wondering if, just maybe, I'm wasting my time by "trying" to make it work - especially when I could be dedicating my time to something else.

I can't say if this is similar to where you are coming from, but I'm suspicious you may be able to relate at least a little... Alas, if we cannot overcome such fears and safety nets, we really are missing out on some wonderful aspects of life (so I hear). I am personally currently working on NOT allowing myself to find excuses (such as, "you are distracting me from..."), and instead actually trying to work through things. Afterall, isn't it those things we do need to work at (a reasonably amount) that are most rewarding in the end? If marathons were easy, everyone would run them and no one would seem quite so cool for doing it...
Good luck! and thanks for the last couple of nights! (ooooh, if that doesn't sound kinky...)

At 2:41 PM, Blogger kiki said...

Thanks you guys! I really appreciate your thoughts on such scary subjects as long term relationships, closeness, and disagreements.

Phew! Just typing those words got my heartrate going. But, you are both so right about how we must live life and should expect these things out of life and work through them anyways.

Thanks! You guys are the best!


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