Sunday, June 10, 2007

I've got the Blahs...

Ugh! This has been a rough couple of days...I think I'm reliving Karen's emotion-laden experience in a condensed and less intense form. I recently started dating someone and we've gotten fairly close. But, with closeness comes greater opportunity for disagreement. I usually have great difficulty expressing my most personal feelings and thoughts. Therefore, I'm more likely to run for the hills than discuss disagreements. Which is exactly what I did last night. I bolted. Over something so seemingly trivial as a disagreement about watching a scary show.

But, it opened up a whole can of worms...

Now today, I basically told him that I thought I had lost sight of my goals and purposes since meeting him and that I needed some time to myself. Scary, huh? Yeah, no scary movie can top that proclamation...



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