Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Life is Strange

It has indeed been a strange day. I felt like it was mostly a social reconnection or disconnection day. I found out that a friend I only partially knew from Kansas is going to be sent off to Iraq soon. But, I think he has mixed feelings about using a gun on someone. I really wish he had never been persuaded to join, I just don't think he has the right personality for military duty. So I joined his supporter group on Facebook.

Then I found out a friend of mine from high school had a miscarriage. She's been crying every day since it happened. She lives in Arizona and all I could do was call her. But, she seemed upbeat and chatty and avoided talking about the miscarriage. I don't think she wanted sympathy, but she sure wanted to talk about anything else.

Then I found out I had to remove one of my committee members because he had let his qualifications for being on a dissertation committee expire. I felt weird about asking him if I could take him off my committee so that I could push my committee paperwork forward. But, he seemed fine with it.

And then I finally responded to emails from other friends and had coffee with another friend who recently moved back to town temporarily before moving out to Kansas.

Disconnections, reconnections...surprising news...unhappy news. It seems like others are in a state of flux, but not me for once.

In other news, spring break is over and school has started. I actually finished my comps papers within a three-day time frame last week. This is the first spring break where I actually feel like I accomplished what I set out to accomplish. I actually feel good about my productivity over spring break. All previous spring breaks I either crashed or felt like I didn't get everything done. Things have been really turning around for me this semester. I hope to keep it up and actually defend my comps and proposal at the end of this semester.


At 6:29 PM, Blogger Mrs. Liz Darcy said...

Hey there crazy grad student! Just wanted to let you know that my blog is finally up and running. Hope life (and your garage door) are treating you well. :)

Mis Liz or #11 if you prefer


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