Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Summer vacation(??) is coming to a close...

I can sense the pull of the academic year starting all over again. It brings with it a certain measure of anxiety. It didn't used to...back in the glory days of my grad student youth, I fervently longed for school to start. But, not anymore. It is for the best, I think...for it indicates a changing of the wind. Or growth...or a desire to be on the other side of this academic fence, separating the grad from the prof. It is a time of transition. But, the question still lingers in the air, "Will I graduate this December?" And even if I do, will I have a job to move on to? But, most importantly, will I really be ready to live on the other side of that fence? That is certainly the question.

Leaving all that aside, things are moving forward for the start of school. I seem to be clearing my plate for the madness that is to come. I will no longer be teaching one of my classes. And I've managed to switch my other class so that I'll be teaching a class I've already taught before, rather than a new prep. In addition, the class is only held one day a week for 3 hours. I've never taught a 3-hour-long class before, but it certainly frees up my time during the rest of the week. I do have a number of other things to accomplish before school starts, but don't we all...


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