Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Oh well...

I'm in limbo. School is over, but my next teaching stint hasn't started yet. For awhile I was filling the time by being sick and vegging with my boyfriend. But, he got better and he's back at work while I'm still sick at home. I'm certain that there are many things I should be working on, but I can't seem to make myself start working on them. I used to occupy my spare time by reading news articles on the Internet. But, that has bored me. I'm just restless and discontented. I suppose I can blame it on being sick, but I think it may be because I'm tired of school. Or I'm just tired. Or I'm just waiting for this to be over because I'm starting to reach the end and I don't know what's coming next. Sigh....oh, well.


At 10:19 PM, Blogger Mrs. Liz Darcy said...

hmm, "what's next..." for kiki:

- non-pink eyes
- a beautifully landscaped yard
- college professors begging you to stay at their university and take over the psychology department
- you turning down the college professors because you got an offer to work for the government for a million dollars a year to psychoanalyze all the world leaders
- you discover the portion of the brain responsible for miscommunication between men and women.
- you win Nobel Prize for aforementioned discovery and become the most famous psychologist in the world
- you decide that fame isn't all it's cracked up to be, move to a small town in middle America, work at a small but pleasant university while enjoying a very fluffy white cat and live happily every after

At 9:58 AM, Blogger kiki said...

HAHHAHAHHAHA!!! Thanks Miss Liz, that was awesome!


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