Friday, May 26, 2006

Hmmm...This appears to be research week...(with parenthetical commentaries)

In which various unconnected people contact me to participate in research endeavors. Two of which are through my GRA that I have for the summer. One of which is an old undergrad contact who wants to give me his data so maybe I can do something with it (hint, publish, hint!). I met with my advisor and I'm glad I'm working with her. She is actually going to have me do some important things, rather than busywork (I hope!). But, the most recent contact has to do with one other prof here who (I have a sneaky suspicion) just wants to steal me away from my advisor! Just kidding! But, really, I think he's just digging around for something for me to do so he can inculcate me into his lab. (Am I that paranoid??? Conspiracy theories anyone??). He just has some data entry and coding for me to do (gag!! blech!! yech!! Did I hear that right??). But, in any case, perhaps I should network a little here (for perhaps his vast knowledge shall serve me well in the future). The thing is, I don't think he and my advisor are compatible (as in, blatant polar opinions on certain research topics and conflicting personality styles). But, we shall just see how things go (I mean, what else can I do?).


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