Monday, June 26, 2006

Little compliments make a big difference

Just when I was a little down on myself for my perceived difficulty with writing, I received a nice compliment about my writing in an email today. Oh, how well-timed...

I really must share, not because I'm trying to puff myself up on my blog, but because it illustrates what a coincidence it is that last weekend I felt bad about how difficult it is for me to write and then immediately received a compliment about my writing on Monday morning. It's as if God is orchestrating the little things to keep me from beating myself up.

Here's the highlight of the email from the IRB reviewer about the proposal I wrote: "I must say how much I enjoyed reading your proposal. What an interesting study and so very well conceptualized."

The reviewer thought my advisor wrote the proposal, but my advisor replied with this: "Thank you for the kind words, but my graduate student, Kiki, did most of the writing and deserves all the credit!"

What a wonderful advisor I have! And what a nice thing for that reviewer to say. Everybody needs a little compliment every now and then and this one came just when I needed it.


At 3:31 PM, Blogger Kimberly Brixey said...

I love it when God sends encouragement to build us when we are struggling. I had the opposite "lesson" yesterday. After trouble shooting a problem, I was certain and had everyone convinced the problem was on their end. When we couldn't fix it we called the engineer who determined the problem was on my end and worse, it was my neglect to a setting that caused the whole ordeal. I have been dealing with lessons in humility ever since trying to explain to higher ups what happened and to be honest about my mistake. I am sure no one cares about it as much as I do; I enjoy being good at my job; but I also understand God's process at work to let me be the one to take the fall in order to build up another. What a blessing!

At 10:56 PM, Blogger kiki said...

Ouch! That's hard. It's good that you see it as a blessing, though. Good for you!


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