Sunday, June 11, 2006

It's a Miracle!!!!!

I found my social security card!! It was in my purse. I just rummaged around my purse to get my cell phone when my social security card flipped upwards from the depths. I'm flabbergasted because I really didn't think I slipped my card in there myself. I would have put it in my wallet rather than entrust it to the depths of my purse. I usually remember everything I do and I don't remember intentionally placing it there (perhaps I was sleep walking, it was hard waking up that morning).

I wonder if maybe it slipped out and into my purse after I draped my purse over my shoulder, situated it on my hip, and then picked up the folder and held it by my hip. In any case, I thank God for restoring my card to me. I prayed, my Pastor prayed, and my Pastor's wife prayed as well. I thank all of you for praying.

I find it interesting that I wrote that I needed a miracle on Friday when I lost the card. Then Pastor asked if anyone needed a miracle on Saturday. On Sunday he reiterated that God still does miracles. So I released my need up to God and told Him that I believed He would give me a miracle.

God did not disappoint me! Thank you, God, for miraculously giving me back my social security card.


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