Saturday, June 10, 2006

Blech! This has been a really rough day, too.

Even though I was so tired last night, I still couldn't fall asleep until 2am. My mind kept rehashing things from the day that were unpleasant. Yes, I think too much, be it pleasant or unpleasant. I had to be at the computer lab to find out about getting a job. Turns out I needed to fill out some paperwork for student employment, but I had to provide my birth certificate or social security card. Well, then I had to drive back home and get the documents. Everything was in order in a little folder when I left the house, but when I arrived at the student-employment counter and opened up the folder, my social security card was not there. It must have fallen out of the folder at some point during my walk from the car to the building, but I couldn't find it anywhere. I searched under the seats of my car, in crevices, and retraced all my steps. It was nowhere to be found. So then I drove home and it wasn't anywhere there either. Sigh. So I took a nap and talked with my boyfriend later that day. He found me me some numbers to call about the card. So I ordered a replacement copy and put a fraud alert on my social security number. The problem is that the employment office wouldn't accept my certified copy of my birth certificate. It had to be the original (jerky student assistant!!!). I don't have any way of getting the paperwork through to allow me to start working before this Thursday when they want me to start. I need a miracle from God.


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