Saturday, July 01, 2006

Actually, maybe it's just my family...

I've decided not to visit my sisters for this 4th of July weekend. I just felt like their hearts weren't open to receive my boyfriend as he is. I know they were just concerned about me and that they love me. But, the timing is just not right. I think there's just a little too much anxiety going around. Their comments led to an argument between my boyfriend and I last night (let me clarify that, it was more like a logical debate). So I've been on an emotional roller coaster the last 24 hours. But, my boyfriend and I are fine. I just have to figure out how to tell my sisters I'm not coming without offending them or sounding like I'm blaming them. I want to be truthful, rather than vague, but soften the content somehow.

I also worked some things out with my boyfriend. Some of it was just my own misperceptions of his behavior and words. He's not being critical of me to be malicious. He's just constantly in research mode, critiquing everything, particularly appearance because he is interested in visual literacy (which is all about the appearance of something, anything). And also because it is very cultural. Where he comes from, everyone wears the latest fashion, the best brands, and slathers on the cosmetics.

One thing I've learned is that words carry a lot of weight, even the words that go unspoken. And sometimes it is better to confront someone than stew in silence, because what you are stewing about can be completely unfounded. Talking can clear up misunderstandings on both sides. Boldness is a good thing.


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