Friday, December 22, 2006

Frozen Car Adventures

Bio Prof came and picked me up to go get my car from the parking lot. The crew had been busy clearing the parking lot, but when we got there, a pile of snow had been left in the middle of the road leading to the parking lot. Bio Prof had to get out his shovel and move some snow out of the way. I started to walk toward my car when another car pulled up. I laughed to find that one of the psych profs was trying to get into the psych building as well as us. Come on, workaholics! Don't we all know that it's vacation time?

I walked the rest of the way to my car just as Bio Prof made it past the large pile of snow. It was good timing, because I was walking around my car, wondering how I was going to get in. There was snow packed all around it, and Bio Prof had to shovel snow out of the way just so I could open the driver's side door. I tried starting the car, but my baby wouldn't start! It just sort of puttered and whimpered. After about five minutes of coaxing, the car finally started, but it was very unsure of itself. So Bio Prof shoveled all the snow out of the way in front of the car and I tried pulling out. The car was in "drive" and I was pushing on the gas, but nothing happened! The wheels weren't even spinning!

Luckily, the guy who was plowing the parking lot pulled his tractor up behind me and motioned that he would push me out. Both Bio Prof and Psych Prof directed the tractor guy on where to position the tractor while I sat there thinking, "Don't scratch my car!" Silly me, my car is almost 19 years old and is already starting to rust. But, he managed to push my car out of it's snow cave, and I started to skid around and pull the car to a stop. But, I applied the breaks and it felt like they weren't working very well.

I thanked everyone and got Bio Prof's office number in case I had trouble making it home (he was planning to stay and work on an experiment. Crazy prof, wait....that makes me crazy, too, since my desire to run an experiment during a BLIZZARD was what got me into this mess). I drove slowly because the car just didn't feel right and I really was having trouble stopping. So I put the hazard lights on and drove 35mph on the highway the rest of the way home. I took the car into the auto shop close to home and had them take a look. Yep, there's something wrong with the hydraulics. But, they couldn't try to find out where the problem was because the underside of the car was packed with snow and ice. So I have to take the car home and warm it up in my garage, but the mechanic is going on vacation and won't be back until Jan 2nd. Argh!!!!

In conclusion, my precious little car is sitting in my garage with my space heater on full blast and my parents, who are traveling from another state, are going to drive up here and pick me up so that I don't miss the Holiday Festivities. Phew! Crazy weather!!

Once again, everyone stay safe inside! Don't go out, the snowpack is higher than cars in some places! Cars are buried all over the place! It's almost comical, come to think of it. He, he, yep, real funny.


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