Friday, January 26, 2007

I really like the newest prof

So funny! I wasn't too impressed with the prof when he interviewed last semester. But, I chatted with him today for about an hour and a half (time flies!) and decided that I really like him. He's an interesting character, and just as much enthralled by conducting research as I. We had so much fun talking about research ideas and the literature. Certainly, he knows the literature very well. For once, I felt challenged, like I was still a grad student who in reality doesn't really know her stuff that well. But, it made me feel great! Because I know that I don't know my stuff, and it's so exciting to hear all these new ideas and pieces of great research that I haven't heard of before. Ohhh.....

Plus, he offered to read my grant proposals from last semester and he's very excited about my research into diet restriction and cortisol. He responded to my email very quickly and said he'd read my proposals. He might make a good mentor or collaborator. I'm excited. I've amassed a cadre of research-oriented people who will enrich my intellectual development. He, he, he.


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