Sunday, January 07, 2007

Sigh..I miss school

I think I figured out the cause of my general feeling of malaise. I miss school. I miss constant interaction involving academic speak. The last time I spoke academic speak was a week ago when I chatted with an academic at the New Years party. A whole week! And school doesn't even start until a week from Tuesday. Sob! I don't know if I'm going to be able to make it until then. Luckily, I'm trying to meet with my advisor next week and a couple of grad students. I've decided to go into school tomorrow and organize my office so that I can experience some semblance of school. I bet I would feel better if I chatted with the administrative assistant, too.

You know, on some level, it's pretty strange to feel depressed because school is not in session. I must be abnormal even for a grad student! Now that I think of it, I was depressed when school ended last semester, too.'s pretty sad when you feel like you can't go four weeks without being in school. I just need intellectual stimulation through conversation with like-minded academics!! Argh! My mind is wilting! My very being requires academic subsistence!

Sigh...just one more week...I can make it (sob).


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