Friday, June 22, 2007

Is is just summer or have I lost my steam?

Summer has been here a whole month and I have lost all desire to do anything related to school. I ask myself, "Am I feeling this way because it is summer or am I suffering from burnout?" I really wish I knew the answer to this question because all graduate students understand that vacations do not exist. In our upside-down graduate student world, any break represents a time to get more research, writing, and reading done. So why do I see it otherwise? I feel like I am merely waiting for things to begin when in reality I am the one who should be putting them into motion.

So what am I waiting for......?



At 12:53 AM, Blogger karen said...

I totally understand the feeling, and I totally get aggravated when trying to describe the complex and contradictory thoughts and feelings involved in this dilemma to people who don't get it.

I, for one, would vote that you may just be in need of some R&R seeing as how you are going, like, 110% all the time. It is impressive and inspiring - but (and you may want to be sitting down for this...) you are only human.

Not that this makes you feel any better. People like us (not sure what quite I mean by that - active, somewhat neurotic perfectionists?) don't really seem to care, in the long run. It doesn't matter if it is the summer mindset OR the fact that you need a break - time to get over it and get productive! right!?! But be nice to yourself and listen to what you are trying to tell you. Motivation may be lacking because you really do need a short break. You are the last perfon on the face of the earth I would label the "summer slacker" type...

On THAT note - when is our next round of margs? And I have research questions when you are in the mood...
Love you! =0)

At 12:55 AM, Blogger karen said...

oops - and by "perfon," I meant person.

At 2:32 PM, Blogger kiki said...

Wooo Hooo! Did somebody say research question?!?! I'm always in the mood to talk about research. Let's definitely get together soon to have some margaritas and talk research. :)

And thanks for the comment. I'm so glad you totally understand what I'm feeling. Normal people would not feel guilty like this. Just another example of grad student neuroses.

At 10:21 PM, Blogger Jael said...

Ha! I feel guilty and I just graduated! Beat that! I constantly feel like I should be doing some kind of homework, research, but um I'm done... Maybe I could be a super overachiever and start getting research ready for the school I won't even start at for another four months and have no idea what I'm going to be doing in terms of school work. I'm so glad I have people to make me feel "normal" *gag* I hate that word. Anyhoo, yes margaritas sound absolutely fantastic, I vote this week!

At 10:47 PM, Blogger kiki said...

Ha, ha. Jael, if I gave you some of my work, would that make you feel less guilty?

And yes, let's do another round of Margaritas. We missed this week, but maybe next?


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