Wednesday, August 22, 2007

School is starting: Whimper!

Well, I just got back from my conference in which I presented two posters. It was a small conference and people weren't that interested in chatting with poster presenters. They preferred to read a few lines on the poster and move on. Oh, well. I preferred it that way because I didn't really have good explanations for my research anyways. It's still too preliminary. But, now I'm back and facing the fact that school is starting next week. I'm still not happy about that fact and I think the sole reason is that I know I'll have to teach.

I could be getting excited about the two classes I'm taking and the research into my dissertation topic, but instead I'm focusing on the fact that I'm teaching again. Such's inexplicable. I wish I didn't view teaching with such dread; maybe I'll be lucky and the dread will dissipate once I'm into the semester. Sigh....I looked at my class roster today and found a few familiar names. Some of the students I had while teaching social psych two years ago are now in my class for child & adolescent psych. Yelp! I was so hoping I could start fresh and wouldn't have any students who witnessed my total flop at teaching social psych! Sigh...

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At 4:48 PM, Blogger Jael said...

Yikes! Don't worry too much, I'm sure you'll be fine. Besides, you couldn't be that terrible or they wouldn't have taken it from you again, bright side?? As for all your writing stuff, I was just thinking how it is interesting for me because I remember deciding a long time ago I would never get a doctorate degree because I never wanted to write a dissertation. Is that lazy? Good thing it turns out in my profession I won't need one! Score one more for me! muahahahaha

Um yea, good luck!! Hope the start of your semester is a good one. And I love margarita o'clock!

At 11:19 PM, Blogger karen said...

What!?! School is starting!?! But I'm not ready!!! And, like you, this is largely due to the whole teaching factor. I'm not dreading it, per se - just nervous. But that's not the point I wanted to make. What really struck me reading your post is that I think you are a great teacher - based on my own experiences, at least. You're organized, you know what you're talking about (or at least know how to make it sound like you do) and you're enthusiastic and fun to listen to/discuss with, and you make GREAT SEM diagrams, which I'm going to assume means you can make great visuals for other things, too...
I think you'll be grrrrreat! And I'm also sure that it won't seem so horrific once you're actually teaching! I keep trying to explain to people that the first week of classes is nothing compared to the few weeks leading up to that first week of classes.

Anywhose, you'll be fantastic, and it'll be Friday evening (i.e. "margarita o'clock") before you know it ;0)


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