Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Prenatal Development

Ugh, I really don't like teaching on prenatal development. I don't know that much about it and it seems more like biology classes, where you just have to memorize a bunch of facts. And for some reason, my office mate thinks its funny that I'm a female and I don't know about prenatal development. Just because I'm female doesn't mean I automatically know that blastocysts embed themselves into the uterine lining in the second week of pregnancy before a woman even knows she's pregnant. Even if I had experienced my own pregnancy, that doesn't necessarily mean I should know that sperm get caught up in the lining of the fallopian tubes and undergo chemical changes which make them more likely to be able to dissolve the outer coating of the egg. Yeesh! I felt so disconnected from the material as I was teaching it. It really makes a difference when I get excited about teaching vs. trying to get through the dry material. If only I could just leave prenatal development out of my syllabus next time I teach child development.


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