Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I am a professor for reals now!

And boy does it feel different. I'm afraid to say too much to reveal my location, but I'm enjoying being a professor. Immensely. I really like my new job. Everyone is so nice, so courteous, so helpful. I've been team teaching with another professor the first week and a half, and it has been so beneficial. There's much more of an interactive, questioning style here, and I foresee that it will be very positive for my professional development. Generally, the students are excited to learn and prepared for class. The class sizes are small to facilitate discussion, and I'm teaching intro psych, which will be much easier to prep than an upper-division course.

I've moved into the house I'm renting. It is such a fabulous house. It makes you feel so good to be living in it. My kitchen and bedroom are unpacked, but I still have lots of unpacking to do. Unfortunately, I'm usually too tired once I get home to do any unpacking. It will get done eventually.

My boyfriend and I are still living in different cities, but we are close enough to visit each other on the weekend. He came here last weekend since I actually had to teach on Saturday. The institution had to start a day late because of construction and rather than move graduation, they just had us teaching on Saturday. A bit of a bummer, but no big deal. Anywhoose, I'll be back this Holiday weekend to visit my boyfriend and clean up my house. I hope I can clean it all and prep it for renting, but I'm a little nervous that I won't get it all done even in a 3-day weekend. Here's hoping....


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