Monday, September 15, 2008

Think Positively

I had a strange thing happen today. This morning I was reading a post for a listserve I subscribe to and I was really touched by the post. The author described feeling grateful to be alive because one year ago today he sustained a massive aneurysm. I almost cried after reading it. Then I moved on to later posts and one woman sent a mean post in response in which she basically said that the author's posts are too personal for the listserve, and furthermore, what sort of job does the author have that allows him so much time to write such a lengthy missive? I was rather taken aback. I wouldn't have been so concerned if she had politely asked him not to post such personal things on the listserve, but she was very spiteful about it instead. So I responded back, saying I appreciated the posts and perhaps we could learn from the author by taking time out of our busy days to write something positive about our lives and show our own gratitude. Since her response was so inflammatory, many other people responded in the author's defense as well.

After that, I realized maybe I should try to post some positive things on my blog instead of complaining so much. So I will....

Let's see. I got one small article written for my job and that made me feel pretty good. I also got some writing done on my dissertation and I'm hoping to finish a rough draft of it tonight perhaps. Oh, and my family safely weathered Hurricane Ike. The power is back on in their home and there was no major damage to the house. I think that is something to be grateful for.


At 11:53 PM, Blogger karen said...

Amen. Good for you (and all the other people who defended the original author). Life is too short and too valuable, and too often we get sucked into the daily grind - passing through mindlessly - swept along. Sometimes it takes these massive events to open our eyes - but fortunately there are those who share their experiences so we don't all have to go through the same trials in order to learn from them. We could all take a lesson.

So anyway, that is my long-winded way of saying: (1) I agree with you, and (2) Good for you!


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