Thursday, February 26, 2009


I've been sick the last couple of days, and I stayed home from work both days. I thought I would be well enough to go to work today. However, I discovered I had lost my voice this morning. I figured I might as well stay home since I wouldn't be able to teach anyways. I must have needed it because I went back to sleep at 9am and slept until 2pm. I could have slept more, but I made myself get up to eat food and drink tea. Even though I'm sick, I have been rather relieved to stay home because teaching every day has started to wear on me. As a graduate student, the most I've ever taught is one class three times a week. Now I'm teaching four classes five times a week. It's a little draining. Oddly enough, it's not as bad as being in graduate school. Although I have to "perform" in front of a class every day, I haven't felt the need to push myself to do a ton of stuff. I assume that I'm going to have to push myself harder soon in order to get a research project done by the end of the semester. But for now, I feel content to work a few nights a week, watch TV the other evenings, and take the weekends off.

Between sleeping and vegging these last couple of days, I've worked on unpacking and re-arranging the house. It feels much better to have the house feeling like it's almost completely unpacked. I just wonder now whether I'll have my voice back in time to teach tomorrow. We shall see...


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