Wednesday, September 28, 2005

The Exorcism of Emily Rose

I haven't seen "The Exorcism of Emily Rose" and I don't plan to see it since I don't like scary movies. But, I've been reading up on the story. Apparently it is a true story of a Catholic girl named Annelise Michel who died during an exorcism in the 70s. It's an interesting story, if a little disturbing. For some, it will pose the question of whether a Christian can be demon possessed.

My opinion is that Christians can be demon posessed, and in reality, most probably are. They just don't know it because they are taught to think that Christians can't be demon possessed or that only sensational cases show demon-possession. Possession can happen on a small scale as well, and it is not very obvious to the person involved or others around that person. The sad thing is that people assume it is a personality defect, when it is really the manifestation of a devil.

It was also very interesting to me that Catholics petititoned to change the excorcism rite. In particular, they wanted to remove the section that directs excorcists to speak directly to the devil. The idea is that the possessed person will come to assume that means they really do have demons. Coming to believe it themselves, perhaps will be detrimental to the person.

That is an interesting concept. It goes against what the Bible isntructs on how to drive out demons, though. The Bible says to speak to the demons in the name of Jesus to leave. But, there are other sections of the Bible that demonstrates that it matters who the individual is who is trying to drive out the demons. In some cases, the disciples tell Jesus that someone who is not part of their group is driving out demons in Jesus's name. They want to tell him to stop. Jesus tells them to let him continue. In other cases, a set of brothers are commanding a demon to leave, but the demon says, "Jesus, I know and Paul I know, but who are you?" Then the demons commense beating them up. So it appears that the person casting off the demons need to have some special quality, namely being filled with the Holy Spirit and having faith. Otherwise the exorcism attempt will fail.

Secondly, there is a difference between the redemption of the Holy Spirit when a person is saved and the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Check out Acts 19 for an example of a couple of believers who are asked, "Have you been baptized with the Holy Spirit since you believed?" The implication here is that the baptism of the Holy Spirit is a distinclty different act than the redemptive indwelling of the Holy Spirit during salvation. See also the part where Jesus breathes the Holy Spirit into his disciples after His resurrection ("And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost--John 20:22). But then He says that they should "not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father, which, saith he, ye have heard of me. For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence." Acts 1:4-5 Then Jesus left them and they waited...

"And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tounges like as of fire, it issat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance." Acts 2: 2-4

These are two distinct occasions that did happen for the purpose first of redemption and the second occurance occured with power. Unfortunately, most Christians are content with the first infilling of the Holy Spirit and they either do not believe in the second occurance, or they do not think it is for them, or they think the first occurrance means they have the power of the Holy Spirit. The latter is completely false and keeps people from realizing what it means to be led by the Holy Spirit and to have power to witness to others. For it is not us who converts others, but the Holy Spirit. If we are not led of the Holy Spirit, we are either not converting others, or we are propogating the belief in a new Christian that they have the power of theHoly Spirit when they don't. It seems to be a way of crippling Christians.

Finally, the Bible also states that "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God." Romans 8: 14

The redemptive indwelling of the Holy Spirit is for salvation. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is for being led by the Holy Spirit. We should all be seeking the baptism and seeking the leading of the Holy Spirit for that is what truly confirms our adoption by God. Salvation is just the first step.

Therefore, "work out your own salvation with trembling and fear." Phillipians 2:12. This means that being saved doesn't guarantee that we will continue to be saved. We need the second encounter, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, for the power to actually achieve the continuation of our salvation by being led of the Spirit in order to be considered sons of God. (Romans 8:14 see above.)