Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Dissertation Proposal

My dissertation proposal defense is tomorrow at 1pm. I have to present my proposal and they decide to let me start the research or make changes to the proposal and try again. I'm not getting anxious. For some reason I'm getting depressed instead. I just have this feeling that I don't want to work on the presentation even though I know I need to. Basically, this sense of depression is keeping me from working. I just don't want to defend my proposal tomorrow... or ever. I don't know how grad students actually manage to finish...

Monday, June 02, 2008

Follow-Up to Anxiety Dreams Post

I dreamed too soon. My advisor got an email from my research advisor in which he wanted to know how much of the analyses for my dissertation I could do independently because he was not prepared to "do it all for me." (For the record, IRT and SEM are not that easy to do on your own without much training other than conceptual knowledge).

So now my feeling of being relieved by following my research advisor in my dream is pretty much dashed. I was expecting him to help more than I realize he's willing to help. Now I really wish that I had gone or stayed at some other university where the education and mentoring of students is better. I'm just not getting what I need out of this program.

And now I don't know what to do about my dissertation...