100th Blog Post!
This here blog post represents the 100th time I have posted online since starting "Life, the Universe, and Everything." I think it's rather ironic that it comes at a time when my blogging has been dwindling. I was looking through the past entries because I was entertaining the idea of creating a "Best of this blog" section of links, and I find that the majority of my writing is no less than a typical journal entry about recent goings-on in my life. Really, how interesting is that to the masses that don't know me and can't relate to being in grad school? And secondly, my writing style is wildly varied. My writing seems to capture a small moment in my life and reflect my emotions and mental state, from serious to funny to outrageously nonsensical. I think it's rather amusing actually. But should I adopt a specific style? Spend more time honing my posts to perfection? Talk about wider arrays of topics? Attempt to draw in readership? Create a better design? Eh! I propose going with the flow.